There are two Alcohol and Substance Misuse Support Services operating in the WACA Primary Care Catchment Area. Depending on where you live, you can access either New Vision Bradford, or North Yorkshire Horizons. 
For Patients Living in Wharfedale / Airedale : 
New Vision Bradford Service is available to Patients who choose not to misuse alcohol and drugs and reduce risk-taking behaviour through dedicated prevention, intervention and support. The team help Patients achieve and sustain recovery from alcohol and drug misuse through a range of treatments. 
Appointments are available over the telephone or in person at Spring Lane Medical centre in Ilkley.  To self refer to the service please complete this form: or speak with your GP for a referral 
new vision bradford
For Patients Living in Craven 
North Yorkshire Horizons Support Service is available to help as many people as possible to be free from drug and alcohol dependency. The aim is to reduce the harm caused to individuals, families and communities. Using flexible, wraparound services they support to reduce or end substance misuse and rebuild lives. The team work with people from the start of their recovery journey right through to aftercare to help maintain the changes.
For more information visit : 
Alternative call : 08000 14 14 80


Registered office in England:

Ling House Medical Centre
49 Scott Street
BD21 2JH 

Company number 11251417

Extended Access Rating