We have a dedicated Cancer Community Champion, Sharon Cope, who will be working with communities to raise awareness of screening programmes, and how to spot early warning signs of cancer.
A cancer diagnosis can bring many different concerns and every person affected by cancer is different.
Every cancer patient is entitled to have conversations with their healthcare professionals to discuss what matters most to them, what support needs they have and how these can be addressed. These conversations are known as an Holistic Needs Assessment (HNA, for short) and a Cancer Care Review (or CCR).
You can find out more about this from the West Yorkshire and Harrogate Cancer Alliance website
We have created the below pages to give more advice on particular cancers and some general information you may find useful.
Reducing Your Risks Link
Signs and Symptoms Link
Bowel Cancer Support Link
Breast Cancer Support Link
Cervical Cancer Support Link
#GetCheckedOut Campaign
In Keighley and the surrounding areas 4,000 people are living with cancer. Being cancer aware is important as there is a lot of false information about cancer. A series of videos have been created in English, Urdu, Slovak, Bangla and Polish, and the message is simple: ‘If in doubt, get checked out’. All videos can be accessed at the link below:
Playlist: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLtL_xkBoKIMlPbF6YipnQL7DqdMRzMxBM